What’s the Difference Between Copier Lease and Rental?

When it comes to acquiring a copier for your business, you have several options. Two of the most popular methods are leasing and renting. While these terms are sometimes used interchangeably, they refer to distinct arrangements with their own benefits and drawbacks. Understanding the difference between copier lease and rental can help you make an informed decision that aligns with your business needs and financial strategy.

Tangerine Office Machines is here to break down the key differences to guide you through this important decision.

Copier Leasing

Leasing a copier typically involves a long-term agreement, usually spanning from three to five years. Leasing is akin to financing a purchase over time, and at the end of the lease term, businesses often have the option to buy the copier outright, upgrade to a newer model, or extend the lease.

Benefits of Leasing a Copier
  • Lower Upfront Costs: Leasing allows you to spread the cost over a longer period, which can help manage cash flow more effectively.
  • Access to High-End Models: Since the cost is distributed over several years, businesses can afford higher-quality copiers with advanced features that might be too expensive to purchase outright.
  • Regular Upgrades: Leasing often provides the flexibility to upgrade to newer models as technology evolves, ensuring your office equipment stays current.
  • Maintenance and Support: Many leasing agreements include maintenance and support services, which can save on repair costs and minimize downtime.
Drawbacks of Leasing a Copier
  • Total Cost: Over the long term, leasing can be more expensive than purchasing outright due to interest and fees.
  • Commitment: Leasing contracts typically require a long-term commitment, which might not be ideal for rapidly changing business environments or short-term projects.
  • End-of-Lease Terms: At the end of the lease, you may face additional costs if you decide to buy the copier or upgrade to a new lease.

Copier Rental

Copier rental is generally a short-term arrangement, often on a month-to-month basis. This option provides flexibility and is ideal for businesses with temporary needs or those that prefer not to commit to long-term contracts.

Benefits of Renting a Copier
  • Flexibility: Rentals are highly flexible and can be adjusted or terminated with minimal notice, making them suitable for short-term projects or temporary office setups.
  • No Long-Term Commitment: Businesses can avoid long-term financial obligations, making rentals a low-risk option.
  • Maintenance Included: Rental agreements typically include full maintenance and support, ensuring the copier remains operational without additional costs.
  • Simple Upgrades: Since rentals are short-term, upgrading to a newer model is straightforward and can be done without waiting for a long-term contract to expire.
Drawbacks of Renting a Copier
  • Higher Monthly Costs: Renting can be more expensive on a monthly basis compared to leasing, especially over an extended period.
  • Limited Customization: Rental agreements may offer fewer options for customization or choice of models compared to leasing.
  • Short-Term Solution: While rentals are flexible, they are generally not cost-effective for long-term needs.

Which Option is Right for Your Business?

Deciding between leasing and renting a copier depends on several factors, including your budget, the duration of your need, and your preference for flexibility versus long-term stability.

Lease a Copier If:

You need a high-quality copier with advanced features, prefer lower monthly payments, and plan to use the copier for several years. Leasing is also beneficial if you want the option to upgrade to newer technology periodically.

Rent a Copier If:

You need a copier for a short-term project, prefer not to commit to a long-term contract, or anticipate changes in your business that could affect your copier needs.


Both leasing and renting have their advantages and can be the right choice depending on your business’s specific needs. At Tangerine Office Machines, we understand that every business is unique, and we offer flexible solutions to match your requirements. Whether you decide to lease or rent, our team is here to provide expert guidance and support to ensure you have the right copier solution for your business.

For more personalized advice or to explore our range of copiers available for lease or rent, contact Tangerine Office Machines. Let us help you find the perfect fit for your office needs!

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